The results of genetic testing are not always simple, as they are often difficult to interpret and explain. When interpreting the results, health professionals should consider the patient’s medical history, the history of his family, and the type of review.
A positive test means that the lab has found a change in a gene, chromosome or particular protein of interest. Depending on the purpose of the review, this result can confirm a diagnosis, indicate whether a person is carrying a particular genetic mutuacion, identify the risk of a disease (such as cancer) in the future, or suggest the need for another review. Because people with family ties have similar genetic material, a positive test often means that blood relatives should also be involved in tests. It is important to note that a positive outcome of a predictive test usually can not establish the exact risk of suffering an illness. In addition, health professionals can not usually be used to predict a positive outcome to the progress or severity of disease.
A negative test means that the laboratory did not find a copy of the dangerous gene, chromosome or protein to be analyzed. This finding may indicate that a person is not affected by a particular disease, it does not have a high risk of contracting it or is not carrying a specific genetic mutuacion. It is possible, however, that the test has not been able to find a genetic defect, as many tests can not detect all genetic changes that cause a particular disease. We need more tests to verify a negative result.
In some cases, a negative result may give information that is not necessary. Such results are called indeterminate, no information, incomplete or ambiguous. Indeterminate results often occur because someone is common and natural variations in their DNA, called polymorphisms, which do not affect health. If a genetic test is a change in the DNA has not been associated with a disease that other people suffer, it is difficult to decide whether a polimorfirmo caused by a mutation or a disease. An ambiguous result can not confirm or rule out a diagnosis, nor can indicate whether a person is at risk for a given disease. In some cases, to examine other family members can help clarify these results.
- Temple Daily Telegram Structure
The refusal not a program that search warrants be issued immediately to draw blood from DWI suspects who refuse a breathalyzer test, gaining popularity around the state . Bell County started the program last night and continues today. - San Francisco Business Times
The Food and Drug Administration has a Roche nucleic acid amplification test that screens donated blood for HIV and hepatitis. - Daily Telegraph
A gene mutation is identified as the cause of high blood pressure in millions of people raising the possibility of a test to potential patients.