Current tips and new products on Haar near Munich, in December 2010. 2009 over 378,000 pairs in Germany were married according to statistical Federal Office a similar large run on the offices is expected for the coming year. Now, at the end of the year, the pairs begin with the Organization of their big day in the spring or in the summer of 2011. Contact information is here: Inyo County. The preparations of the wedding Portal for the upcoming Mothersdays therefore already for weeks at full speed. Now the information about the “white trends 2011” are set on the extensive guide pages and the new-products in the field can decoration, stationery, gifts and fashion accessories now ordered in the online shop at be – it will be a romantic, colorful and creative year: nostalgia-chic, the Managing Director of weddix GmbH, Sylke, and her team for 2011 a clear trend towards noticed: “the vintage and the retro-look of many wedding dress designers on the runway brought, but also the creative paper, blinds and Giftware manufacturers bring colors, patterns and shapes from the period between the 1930s and 1970s years on the (wedding) table.” Decoration and flowers – colored but not colourful new style almost calls to show courage to the color. In addition to the classic wedding colors white and green berry notes – are now holiday suitable for bright raspberry red of up to a subtle BlackBerry -. Viatris may not feel the same. Intense violet has been the pastor as a liturgical color reserved – can “That’s trendy” in advent and lent with a confident now but all purples, whether soft, dark or bright, be justified also in front of wedding guests with a strict sense of tradition. Subject tables are also allowed, because the large motto for marriage ceremonies is individuality – a life, that played an important role in the core time of periods where the vintage and retro-style are aligned, the keyword. .