Czech Republic

Spar with! Travel guest in spite of crisis 40 percent growth and 500 000thvisitor. Basel, June 25, 2009 – In June of this year the Basel company could honor already proudly his 500 000ten guest (as noted it is a 5 multiple perpetrators or Bucher). More accurately, one would likely write satisfied guest of the 500 000ten, because the extremely low rate of complaints speaks a clear language: 2 are customary in the industry with 3 percent, savings! Travel to unrivalled 0.3 per cent present. On the spar best since 2001 with! Travel success concept is also still not shaken: no costly travel agencies and catalogs, but only direct sales via Internet and telephone. Online multiples can be presented more each interested parties photos, impressions, and texts to the various destinations, than any catalog in the approach it. In addition, the Internet in terms of timeliness, flexibility and availability the media catalog is vastly superior. All travel packages for 2009 has been locally researched and developed together with hoteliers.

Trained journalists instead of hotel buyers create popular spar with! Travel arrangements travel off-the-rack absent. Spar with! Travel contact and continue to only travel clerks and tourist trade owners with many years of experience, overwhelmed call agents remain barred. In the program, offers for car tourists are again in 2009 preferred. The cheapest city breaks, wellness-weeks and family offers are particularly popular. Most popular destinations are Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, the Switzerland and 52 percent of all booked trips to Germany. Generally a clear trend can be made out for 2009 down to the furlough in German lands.

Despite, or should we say because of the general economic crisis. Prices remain not least because of the low European inflation rate stable cheap. Price and cost advantages, the spar with! Travel this year again in its entirety on its Guests will pass. Lean structures, direct and low cost: 2009 can and must again with the usual savings! Travel best price guarantee for all trips are expected. Second or Drittbucher come back of course this year to enjoy of a well-deserved 5Prozent or 10% loyalty discount on all journeys. Spar with! Contact core competencies of leading car travel in the German-speaking travel individually designed offers customer satisfaction over 99 percent about 30 percent customers flexibility and inventiveness: spar with! Stefan Wiegand project management marketing travel mats str. 24, CH-4058 Basel phone: + 41 (0) 61 685 25 43 email: with of savings! Travel: Spar with! Trips are Germany’s car directly tour no. 1. In addition to vacation in Germany, the company offers trips in 16 more EU countries. Since the company was founded in 2001, 500,000 guest bookings were registered 200,000 guests are expected for the year 2009. With a complaint ratio of 0.3 rather than the industry 2 3 percent and a share of 30 per cent regulars is part of the Swiss company for the 20 biggest German tour operators.