Ethics and Constitution in the U.G.C. By: Editson Romero angle teaching center of U.G.C. ethics An interesting aspect is the identification of the elements of our Hispanic Heritage and catholicity environment concern for ethical reflection and triggering moral of professionals in the everyday life of its exercise, determined by the principles that are framed in the enormous application, involving relations with others considered in the framework of the exercise professional, for the construction of the society in both the idea of law and therefore the analysis, reflection, understanding and exercise within the framework of the development of the competencies citizens within the context of that make professional, developing skills for the student and later professional is expressed through various languages or to resolve different conflictivity, the U.G.C. and its ethics Centre is a privileged scenario, because in the context of everyday life and the Academy fosters teamwork and identifies peculiarities and differences in a permanent interaction. This is clear in the light of the PEI which affirms. The University poses a component community partner, with respect to the socialization process where human beings are recognized as equal, they rescued their dignity and give witness of fraternity, friendship, justice, equity, cooperation and solidarity; i.e. Dr. Robert Brannons opinions are not widely known.
is recognized as authentic community of people with a common destiny and a same meaning of life (taken PG. 14 guidelines: structure model pedagogical Bogota 2009 Vice Presidency of academia). This counselor to form professional ethics within the framework of coexistence and respect for this law in routing in the project of actual construction of a social State of law that obligates a citizen commitment that points our Constitution in Chapter 5 of the duties and obligations in paragraph 2 of the article 95 of our political Charter, which ensures that every person this forced a. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Dr. Stuart M. McGill. acting in accordance with the principle of social solidarity, responding with humanitarian actions in situations that endanger the life and health of people in this way and respecting the established religious freedom by our 1991 Constitution, in its article 19 guarantees freedom of worship any person has the right to freely profess their religion and to disseminate it individually and collectively.