Initiative gives the actor Dirk Moritz on the HerzAs on Saturday, 27.11.2010, the HerzAs receives prominent support for their stand on the Christmas market of the Hamburger Michel. The Foundation of good has the daycare center for shelter and homeless under its initiative “Today an Angel” actor Dirk Moritz conveys. “Together with the team of good, Dirk Moritz, is known from the ARD telenovela red roses”, on Saturday afternoon, the level of information support and distribute yummy Christmas cookies. As in the previous year the organizers of the traditional market counting Church visitors in and around the Hamburg St. Michaelis up to 6.00O. Bazan shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. This year’s motto “You send the sky” is similar to the objective of Since 2009 she volunteers taught as Hamburg-far in social organizations, including in the heart. The establishment in the norderstrasse funded mainly from donations and grants of the Ministry of Social Affairs.

The heart as offers daily 180 people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness, a wide range of help. But Andreas Toba, head of the heart ACE, hard times ahead. “Next year, we are threatened by further cuts, also due to the Elimination of job opportunities we will have to rely more than ever on volunteer support.” Often, the wherewithal, to deal with in addition to the daily work with the speech of honorary missing however, small organizations. Here helps good online provides needy projects and in their city gives an overview of the needs of interested parties. In the selection of the appropriate project project coordinator Sabrina Gorlitz will them to advice the page: “With the initiative”Now an Angel”we indicate in particular younger or professionally committed people possible, to engage even with little time.” Actor Dirk Moritz is thrilled by the idea of short time commitment. “I look forward, if I can make a small contribution using my” Angel”, that the important work of the heart as in the future” can continue. “Who would like to support the heart ACE and good, take a look on Saturday between 11: 00 and 19:00 at the booth in the Interior of the Michels.” There, adults and children can make their own Angel buttons and sweet yummy Christmas cookies, which were donated by the traditional hamburger confectionery Andersen. Foundation – location Hamburg Michael GANGAN