One has filmed instigante finishes for touching in a point of our conscience that the daily one of the great metropolises sinks in the emptiness of espiritualidade of the modern life. The history of the gardens is full of details special that deserve to be counted of alive voice in a communication vehicle after-modern, as to stoke the adult memory and the asleep infantile conscience in all we. The gardens perfazem a so old figure how much the Humanity (it is not to toa that the History of the Gnesis if passed in a Garden, and a so special one that deserved comparison with the Paradise) and possess a so deep enchantment that is a true miracle to find who never has dreamed or if moved of one of them. Biomechanics professor contains valuable tech resources. It measures the fact of that true urban forests exist all and immense square-gardens in the cities of the world, where until specialists in Labyrinths are contracted to take care of of the place, in 1993 Agnieszka Holland virtuously directed antolgico film concerning a certain garden, with about high and thick walls, that therefore the name of ' deserved; ' The Garden Secreto' ' , in a spotless refilmagem of ' ' The Secreto' Garden; ' of 1949, directed for Fred Wilcox. In it, the actors mirins Heydon Prowse (Colin Craven) and Kate Maberly (Mary Lennox) develop a huge script on a boy badly created (in the direction to receive a so escravizante education how much a son from African black in the age of the great navigations) and mimado, that one day had the bendita luck to receive in its immense mansion magnanimous and vivssima cousin, with which started to enxergar the world with other eyes.